Republicans dip freedom fries in "W Ketchup", not Heinz
Yahoo! News - Republicans dip freedom fries in "W Ketchup", not Heinz
Several humerous quotes from this article:
"Choose Heinz and you're supporting Teresa and her husband's Gulfstream Jet, and liberal causes such as Kerry for President," [W Ketchup] warns.
If liberal is restoring our freedoms guaranteed by the bill of rights, by getting rid of the doubleplusgood U.S. Patriot Act. Then I'm all for liberal issues, I guess
"Thank you for giving us a delicious American alternative to the standard Heinz Ketchup. Henry Heinz may have been a great American, but I have absolutely no interest in supporting The Kerry's anti-American causes," wrote "S.S" of Akron, Ohio.
If you're not republican, then you're un-American. Someone needs to remind S.S. of Akron of the founding principles and principals of this nation. T. Jefferson must have been anti-American.WE NEED MORE PATRIOTS LIKE S.S. of OHIO
The funniest part was at the end, apparently sheep... I mean real American Patriots with capital started an Ice Cream Co. with flavors like I Hate The French VANILLA (Real American Vanilla, NOT French Vanilla)" and "Nutty Environmentalist (Rich Buttery Ice Cream with Roasted Pecans)."