Monday, February 21, 2005

< EoD > ramblings < /EoD >

I just finished a test in my Bookkeeping class that I was stressing about because I hate bookeeping and I never actually mentally attended the classes. I think I did alright, I attended the review session and crammed during the class before. Thank god for low educational standards in Alabama. My new theory is that if they set public school standards too high, then all the dumb jocks wouldn't be able to go to, and graduate from college. To anyone that is unfamiliar with Alabama, it is very difficult to determine the precedence of College football to Christianity. Maybe its because there are no NFL teams here, or perhaps they aren't here because of the UA/Auburn obsession. Chicken or the egg.

I got to thinking about burning 4000 $1's, and how much they would weigh and such. says that it would weigh 8.8lbs. I found the dimensions of the bill to be 65mm*156mm. I just need the height of $50 crisp new bills to visualize what the pile would look like.

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