Wednesday, August 17, 2005

"this is the big one...I'm comin' to join ya, honey".

I was driving the swede-mobile back from the Courthouse, when I noticed that half of the idiot lights on the dash were lit up, including the service light. I also noticed that I wasn't getting any cool air from the A/C, and the battery meter was dropping. I figured something was wrong with the alternator and proceded back to base. After lunch, the problem was still persisting, and since it was hotter, I figured we better check it out. Apparently the Alternator belt had lost half its teeth, and had come off. Along with my friend Gabe, we were able to make it to Napa auto just in time before the car died from a lack of spark. I then proceded to replace the A/C and Alternator belts in 110 degree heat index weather. I think I must have sweated a good quart of water.

I'm just now starting to recover from the heat shock, but it's all good now. I feel like a real burly man now that I've brought a car back to life in a parking lot, with nothing but a box of tissues, a spring from my ball point pen, and some chewing gum. Look out MacGuyver.

1 comment:

Wendy Maybury said...

that's hot.

both the weather and the MacGyver skills.

Dude, you've got skills!

must be the Nyquil talking...