final Landscaping progress for 15 October
I've gotten all the weed control fabric laid wherever there was bare soil. Tomorrow, I plant!!!
Ignorance can be educated, but Stupid lasts forever!
I've gotten all the weed control fabric laid wherever there was bare soil. Tomorrow, I plant!!!
Posted by
6:41 PM
Your yard is looking great. What variety of azeleas did you choose? I planted a few Encore azeleas today to replace some of the ones that had died from being planted improperly last spring.
I believe they are Autumn Embers, a very red flower.
How were they improperly planted?
I left the root ball too compact, planted them too deep and didn't tamp out the air pockets good enough. The top of the root ball should be level with the ground, not counting a layer of mulch.
Autumn Embers is an Encore, too. I planted Autumn Sangria and a couple of white ones--can't remember what the white variety is called.
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