Sunday, October 09, 2005

internets radio love

Following a suggestion from Thomas I thought I'd check out I got turned on to a swedish group called Koop and their kind of retro jazz-electronica, and in searching for them, found a result on, with a good rating from the out-foxed plug-in, which I've written about previously. I've previously used netstreams from and for cool music, and I've tried to use Moodlogic to organize and recommend playlists from my local collection, but I'm really enamored with's setup. If I just lived in a world where I had free and unrestricted access to their music, like my own MP3's, then there would be a true killer app.

DRM is a way to keep the old, analog ways of the world around, even in the face of the new digital paradigm of unlimitled flawless reproduction that can satisfy the economic problem of unlimited wants vs. limited resources. This all is propogated by the greed of a cartel of suits that are only interested in continued uninterupted funding of their lavish LA lifestyles.

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