Sunday, March 20, 2005

Republicans as aimless hippies.

Congress wastes time

The recent attempts by congress to save the life of a human vegatable by manipulating the law to keep her alive is an attack at the very checks and balances that help ensure democracy. By congress trying to call Terry Schiavo as a witness to ensure her safety is a prime example of one branch of the government over stepping their bounds. If she is a brain dead vegtable, then what good would she do as a witness? This hipocritical compassion for the hopeless is no different than PETA's compassion for only cute animals. The president is rushing back from the WhiteRanch so that he can sign a bill that will completely ignore the Florida Supreme Courts ruling, completely overturning the checks and balances afforded to the Judicial Branch of the Federal Government. He puts no value on the human lives that were taken due to overzealous torture directives by the now NSA Morales, but goes back to work early so that he can prevent the wasting of an empty shell. If they had any compassion, they would euthanize her. An overdose of morphine would put her body into an endless sleep, and finally give Terry the dignity of a burial.

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